27 September - 26 October 2013

ARTCO Gallery is opening a new show room in Aachen, Germany


On 27 September 2013 19h, ARTCO is officially opening a new show room in the city center of Aachen.

CONTEMPORARY AFRICA“ will be the first exhibition in our new rooms. 
22 different artistic positions by different africa-related artists will be part of the show.

On display will be drawings, photography, paintings and sculptures by following artists:

TétéAzankpo, Togo

OsiAudu, Nigeria/USA

Tanisha Bhana, South Africa

Norman Catherine, South Africa

Diagne Chanel,Senegal/France

Gordon Clark, South Africa

Saïdou Dicko, Burkina Faso

Dilomprizulike, Nigeria/Germany
Godfried Donkor, Ghana/UK

Sokari Douglas Camp CBE, Nigeria/UK

Sokey Edorh, Togo

Amouzou Glikpa, Togo/Germany
George „Afedzi“ Hughes, Ghana/USA

EL Loko, Togo/Germany

ToyinLoye, Nigeria/Netherlands

Luis Meque, Zimbabwe
Owusu-Ankomah, Ghana/Germany

Manuela Sambo, Angola/Germany

Ransome Stanley, UK/Germany
Emeka Udemba, Nigeria

RikkiWemega-Kwawu, Ghana

Zinkpe, Benin

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Becker will introduce in the exhibition. 

Already in 1993, Prof. Dr. Becker invited contemporary African art to the Aachen´s Ludwig Forum with „Auf der Suche nach Afrika (AfricaExplores)“.